The Realm of the Martyrs
What takes place in us when we drink the blood of the Lord and
partake of His body.
What do we perceive when we spill blood in the
name of a higher power?
What causes us to offer up our lives for the
promise of salvation from powerful places?
We honor the free-thinking theologists.
The Realm of the Martyrs
Unreported Cases
The invocation ascends a holy mountain
once arrived it’s awaited by retraction
this reception gives the soul no salvation whatsoever
by shame and infamy countermanded thus
the invocation falls as if by ghostly hand shoved
down the holier part of the mountain down again
the rest it descends voluntarily backwards on its knees
Grey Area
At the foot of the mountain stands a naked man
he puts on his car as if it were a coat
thus he circumnavigates the mountain for the span of a lifetime
turning silent-wise he pushes his auto upward
and in doing so learns his Real Calling
almost at the top the thrill of victory befalls him
and a door stands as if grown from the landscape
behind the door he believes to be the ringing of his praises
with the door at his back he relinquishes his earthly possessions
a steering wheel a crooked cross and his good appeals
Praying like a child who’s learned to speak to God
Praying like an elder hoping wordlessly for the end
Praying like religions that know God has no need of them
Great strife reigns in the mass of unreported cases
In the grey area they say are the best slots in Heaven
and martyrdom refuses an answer to worldly laments
that’s like praying into a bowl filled with liquid clairvoyance
that’s like sinking mountains with the spittle that falls during prayer