In Something II Philip
We wish here to set down the tale of one who is mighty and who seeks to spread his faith throughout the world. His garb is exclusively black, and he eats the same dish at the same time everyday. His daily excursions with horse and carriage know but one route and but one set time. And yet he stretches out a protecting hand over the images of Hieronymus Bosch who is otherwise held in great suspicion by the Inquisition.
We thank Philipp II. of Spain.
In Something II Phillip
The creation of a stroke of genius
a coincidence or a steady hand
on the long arm of the piece
is all a dream of what it could be
when it comes to the arts and their owners
stock is stock
hung in darkness it has value still
Cave paintings or The National Gallery
divine dustmote child of Satan
Art swirls around itself
is divinely simple and hellishly difficult
in the shadow of stern patrons preserved
The Marlboro giant or the grand Philipp
Bosch or Philip M.
Goodwill comes from favoring
and art comes from
students of a master collector of the masters
and on every tongue the highest bidder
art always tastes like something
art is not merely a matter of taste
art is faith in the combat of creating
knowledge, strife-free, for its cognoscenti