It could be Nietzsche
Written all over the face, eh? Woman and whip, upward instead of onward, holy spoken error, isolation ward against tyrannical desires. Or perhaps. No tiger tooth amulet will help, no tank will protect, lacking camouflage or a thick coat of fur, no matter, naked egotism will bring success. Even that could just as well be Nietzsche, then, for every word is prejudice.
With Friedrich Nietzsche we honor all philosophers.
Would and deed
It’s a matter of what it’s worth.
Were this one to do what s/he wanted
and were wanting
what would-be thinking were
then literally nothing would get anywhere
of that which someone would find it
worthwhile to actually say
Oh the philosophers
for example Nietzsche
he doesn’t forget the whip when thinking
and when we think of wisdom’s friends
we don’t forget Nietzsche
Oh those philosophers
ever searching
for knowledge of truth
they are in certain ways
and in uncertain ways
certain of their errors
the standing errors
and the non-standing
seen or out of oversight
Ah those who are yet to come
perhaps languishing on a sperm bank
dangling their inner legs
one genius after another
waiting for his calling
and they’re already thinking
what – if this one
should come –
they’ do