These are the ones who influence us most to change our world, our lives. They erect bulwarks against an environment we often perceive as hostile. They create elegant gateways or secure our, at times, seemingly limitless power and energy requirements. They invent communication equipment and means of transportation. They supply devices to make the invisible visible or they provide many of us with hidden natural resources. And they’re also at work making what we all too often heedlessly discard, useable again. Virtually immeasurable is the domain of their activity.
Here’s to both research and practical engineers.
Master of Science
Drill Rig, M.S.
The earth is fine is round and deep
not without measure it is royal
the human wobbling up there on top – the crown
Consider the trade of the inventor + explorer
The engineers of a deep drilling project
they know that here at the seam of
Moldanumbicum and Saxothurigicum
long long ago there was a collision
There were no engineers in those days
The engineers are proud of their research project
one of the engineers is, however, not an engineer at all
he’s an admirer of science and practice
he dreams penetratingly of voyaging into the depths of the earth
thus the poetgineer cries out upon awakening
Long live the high-temperature borehole geophone
It’s a good thing engineers were invented.
Consider the poetry in the work of the engineer
it’s timeless and patient
not without anxiety is it indispensable
and every discovery a sparkle in the crown